About the extent of Tok Guru Anuar Ibrahim

Posted on 25 Mac 2010

Extent Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat Kelantan Menteri Besar recognize Anuar Ibrahim? These are questions that people expect in mind Kelantan.Persoalan this arises due to Tok Guru saw what happened advisory fee Perti PKR Keadilan Rakyat (Anuar Ibrahim) is merely a trial conducted by the party leaders who for the sake of their political interests.

If the first case we may first word fitnah.Tapi this case the second Anuar Ibrahim in cases prosecuted on the same sodomy cases, the occurrence of this second case it makes the people in Kelantan and two crossing Anuar Ibrahim said I do is deny the Tok Guru It is a fitnah.Nak said Anuar Ibrahim will not do is claim a second time on the same case.

Addition occurs in the open disclosure of the House of Commons by members of PKR itself has been out of the party has become representative of what people exposed by former PKR elected representatives is correct and acceptable by society.
The problem now Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat support trust what Anuar Ibrahim all good though purely Tok Guru know Anuar since small until now.

Tok Guru, know if Tok Anuar since not only the political statement simply by Tok Guru for this state what happens to all that Anuar Ibrahim. people believe in Kelantan Tok Guru.

Kelantan PAS supporters, especially the community, to support what the speaker is only by Tok Tok Guru because of their teachers was a pious in every .Apa dealt with by the Tok Guru is true in all cases that occurred mereka.Termasuklah fee Anuar Ibrahim case whether Dr. period . Mahathir until the case is being tried now ini.Bagi defamation because they all follow what was said by Tok Guru.

In actual fact there is one man in this world can correctly guess the good the bad Anuar Ibrahim’s wife unless beliau.Tapi we need to remember any one wife if he was feeling the love her husband if he was the husband of eyes even the wife keep state that both their husbands.

Same supporters who supported us during this and respect us as leaders, but if it lost support in sesaorang what will happen in berlaku.Terjadilah as some representatives of PKR party out now so people bebas.Mereka representative has revealed that only bias led them before.

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